haha? ah ha.
Saturday, December 28, 2002
and the ghettoest present of year award goes to my dad...
it was a laundry basket. he wants me to do my own laundry now
that and it was 3 days late. But, hey, its the thought that counts, right?
Commando Kelly, out!
Friday, December 27, 2002
I'm kinda bored, so here goes
Different Types of Korean Girls
Extra thick layers of Amorean cosmetics and circling the dance floor looking to score with someone their Son's age. Ajuma's are usually recently divorced women over 30 who make a startling comeback into the clubworld nightlife and singles life. Some look motherly, some are really hot but all are down and dirty to do the doo doo.
Gang-Pae-Nyun (Gangsta Bitches)
Younger minded Girls, often confused about their real roots, sometimes perceiving that they come from other cultures such as Jamaican or Latin American. Natural habitat appears to be hanging around parking lots smoking, playing pool, and cruising around in someone else's jacked up car. Beat up her boyfriend and she's yours.
FOB (fresh off the boat)
Indigenous to Koreatowns since they are extremely vulnerable outside Koreatown territory (their ability to communicate with other habitants diminishes vastly). FOBs are Korean girls that came fresh off the beehangee (KAL). Warning: If you are reading this from Korea, you are the FOB. Please disregard!!!
Gold Diggers - "If we don't get the Prada, you ain't gettin Nada!"
Seems to have a new Chanel bag for each day of the week, ... Necessary hunting weapons: BMW (no less than the 5 series), conveniently exposed designer labels, and a fabricated story about how you got your PhD. These girls are almost always super-hot, and like Sirens, they lure unsuspecting men into a hellworld of non-stop Jewelry shopping and credit card maxing. Expensive hookers.
Church Girls
The only girls who leave the club sober at 11:30pm. The all around good girl that your mother would smile about (and probably exchange cooking recipes with). WARNING: These girls can turn you around from your life of drugs and animal worshipping and take away the party forever as you live a regular Ned Flanders lifestyle.
Cock Block (CB)
You and your best friend just met two goreous KGirls at the club and they are down to come back to your crib afterwards... When all of a sudden... Along comes the dreaded CockBlock! The third (and previously unknown) member of their party as she booms to her hot friends "You can't go home with them! You're drunk... Get in my car I'm taking you home!!!" CBs are usually fat, ugly and the only sober one willing to play designated driver. Scientists believe they are actually bitter and jealous on the inside since their hot friends are having all the fun. The best known tactic for negating the eerie presence of the CB Lady is to have one of the fellas not with a girl take the grenade and pretend to show some interest in her...
Raver Girl
E dropping, K sniffing hotties with ponytails and a big smile. Raver-Fiends go to normal clubs with glowsticks, shades and water bottles jumping around on the dancefloor consuming small pills with corporate logos. For some reason they act really friendly and understanding when out clubbing but grumpy and pissed during daytime hours... It's easy to meet these girls at rave or after hour clubs if you use the nice-guy approach, but in case you are wondering if you got game, don't fool yourself loser... it IS the drugs. The largest percentage of raver-girls are in the late teens to early twenties with a small percentage of permanently-tripping ajumas who are still cracked out from the 70's.
Thursday, December 26, 2002
Yep... its that time of the year again!
The Best of 2002 Awards
Best TV Series:
Band of Brothers
Hands down, the best miniseries EVER. One of the only movies which almost made me cry, and you all know that i don't cry at any movies.
Runner ups: Friends (every year), Smallville (We all have our own reasons), Mail Call (yay, guns)
Best DVD:
Black Hawk Down/We Were Soldier
We've all watched these two a dozen times already.
Best Movie:
Lord of the Rings
There's Legolas for the girls, and the battle scene for the guys, plus humor for the in-betweens. Looks like a winner to me.
Runner ups: The Ring (hahaha), Treasure Planet (for me and jon)
Most popular technology:
MP3 Players
Jason, Winston, me, and soon John. Hop on the bandwagon! (or man train, if you prefer)
Best Anime:
Cowboy Bepop
Best music, best story, best graphics. What more do you want?
Runner ups: Outlaw Star (shows at 1 in the morning, only Jason watches), Evangelion (Asuka! tehehehe)
Special Honors: Love Hina, Chobits
Artist of the Year:
Ayumi Hamasaki
Undoubtly the most talent artist I know. You have to get all of her songs, and listen to it even though you dont' understand it.
Ayu has reached a world domination stage that only Pikachu and Domo-Kun has only dreamed of.
Runner ups: None. Ayu's hitmen have killed all her competition. If that didn't work, then her new Rainbow album should have.
Song of the Year:
Ayumi Hamasaki - Voyage
Read above
Runner ups: Evolution, Fly high
Special Mention: Real me This is her next best song. You absolutely have to get this song.
Place to Hang Out:
It has so become that we can start to live at the Spectrum, and know our way around. But then, its just a big hole in which we throw our money in... but that's beside the point.
Runner ups: My house, Winston's house, Uni (uh.. no)
Game of the Year:
Battlefield 1942
Think DoD, with over 35 kinds of tanks, aircrafts, and ships. Then pit 32 allied soldiers against 32 axis in the same map, and mayhem ensues. Fun.
Runner ups: Day of Defeat, Natural Selection, Super Smash Melee
Special Mention: That one game where you man a turret and shoot badly animated sprites... oh yea! Beachead 2000 :-P
Other awards, given for excellence, but really dont' fit into a general category...:
Jon Liu for the best fall into fountain award
Carol for the best back stroker (winlin)
Winston (and me) for the gun freaks of the year
Jeff for the biggest bb gun freak of the year
Jason for being the only white guy here
Don for being the skater
John for being the gangster
Arthur for being a fag
You can add whatever you want in the comments section
Das Fobinator,
Signing off!
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
/me takes a break from writing
Well.. winter vacation was fun sort-of. We didn't get to hang out as much as we wanted to, which kinda sucked, because it just made break even more boring than it is.
Here are my New Year's resolutions. Might be ghetto, but oh well.
1. Save up lots of money. I need it.
2. More study, less games
3. Start working, more community service hours
4. Study SAT crap.
5. Excersize
6. Do better in school (every year...)
Yea, maybe i'll think up of more as i go. As for the rest of you,
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 22, 2002
well, since i'm voted off SFDR, all my posts will go here, or my own personal blog
stupid stuff goes here. insightful stuff and my soon-to-be-published-shitty-book titled mein leben will also debute on my own personal blog. just a taste of the things to come.
Well, Battle of the Bulge for me has been put off to until Monday. Until then, i'll be reading some huck finn, playing battlefield 1942, sleeping, eating.. the works
Don's dad is just plain not cool. That's all i have to say. At least we got the parts....
Well, its cold, and its late. Kinda reminds me of the Ardennes, but i'm not hungry
Commando Kelly
29th Regiment
3rd Army
Signing off!