Agent Orange
Sergeant Blister

Saturday, January 11, 2003

Clothes rationing was introduced on 16 November 1939, with annual cards worth a set number of points. In 1940, the card was worth 150 points, sufficient for teh replacement of ordinary items such as shirts and underwear.

But perhaps the greatest problem for German housewives was soap. Rationing allowed only five 50 gram tablets of einheit (standard) toilet soap every four months, the equivalent of aobut two ounces per month for each person. Roughly half the size of a prewar bar, and a nasty greyish-green color, einheit soap contained pumic or some scouring agent which made it feel harsh and gritty. It made no lather, but left a thick scum floating on the water. The general opinion was that it was capable of removing skin from the hands of anyone who washed too enthusiastically.

Toothpaste was in equally short supply and of equally poor quality. toilet paper also fell victim to the einheit philosophy - the official toilet roll was the color and consistency of brown wrapping paper, and was so rough it could have been used for sanding down woodwork. Fortunately, when the British air raids began, the RAF dropped great quantites of flimsy leaflets, which were soon pressed into service. And according to Berliners, the only reason for the continuing popularity of the Nazi party newspaper, the Bolkscher Beobachter, was its usefulness in the bathroom.

The general lack of soap was most noticeable on the S- or U-Bahn, particularly in the rush hour, when the combination of unwashed clothes and unwashed bodies in a confined space could prove quite overpowering. The stench increased still after 5 January 1940, when a new decree banned all baths, except on Saturdays and Sundays.

-The Fall of Berlin

So while i was organizing my mp3 collection.. here are the number of files I have for each artist:

Do As Infinity - 12
Ayumi Hamasaki - 75
ELT - 33
Morning Musume - 9
Hitomi - 4
W-inds - 3
Misc - 7

190 songs from various artists

BoA - 35
FinkL - 4
SES - 10
Misc - 3

... I just realized how much asian music I have...
IRC 4ever :-P

Signing off!

Thursday, January 09, 2003

"... the Reichstag was now destroyed both physically and politically. It would never again play any important role. It seemed appropriate that the new assembly should meet in the ornate Kroll Opera House facing the burnt-out hulk across Konigsplatz - a suitably theatrical setting where its members were reduced to applauding the performances of HItler and singing the Nazi anthems under the baton of Hermann Goring. Berliners soon took to describing it as 'Germany's most expensive choral group'..."

excerpt from The Fall of Berlin, describing the chancellory members after the burnin gof the Reichstag

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

I wish it was the 1995-1999 again... no, I don't want to be younger, but its just that the realpolitik was more stable back then.

But no, all these terroist attacks and threats of war, and each country is scrutinized for what they do (but never the US... wonder why?) that I think if the weapons inspectors found panties in a wi world leader's bed (except Bush), that they would claim it as the panties belonging to some strange muslim extremist terroist group and how they are trading sex for non-existent bio-warfare warheads. North Korea, being labeled as one of the 3 in the axis of evil, has to start getting its shit together. Their acts of trying to force the US into giving it concessions is like a prisoner moments before its put in front of the firing line. But I can understand that- I dont' want some bai ren (white men) trying to nuke my country for something that I didn't do, but their stupid fucking excuse of a president wnats to because he can get more votes off the patriotic hicks in the old south.

I think that this is Korea's last ditch attempt to try to get away from the 'axis of evil' label. Keep in mind that the last axis was during world war two, and their memories aren't too good, and they were bombed to hell and back...

But the chances of them succeeding is so very small.

We all know how the US is a major military power, and that 'if you mess with texas,' you're sure to get fucked over, using Al Qaeda as an example.

But we can blame this all on the stupid Muslim extremist terroists. Unlike conventional terroists, they are not 'romantics,' therefore they have nearly no ethics in their operating principles, and their belief/ethics systems is so muddled that they will do whatever their leader tells them to.

Al Qaeda's tendency to fly planes into tall stuff has gotten our pretzel-choking president scared as hell, and it set off a rampage of 'eliminating threats' that can be comparable to a kid's tantrum. If bush's tantrum continues, I don't know what will happen... but it seems like he's unstoppable, as long as he has the backing of our Congress

Which leads me to bring Bush to being the anti-christ. After eliminating all threats, and Bush re-elected, Bush will probably take over UN, force other countries to joing or 'i'll nuke ya' then carry out whatever is written in that book called the Bible oh-so-many years ago. And as the Bible said, no humans shall survive this period, unless they rise up and do something to deter the path of the anti-christ

Actually, I don't want to be branded as a conspirator for presidential assassination :-P.

Commando Kelly, Out!
Politically Incorrect...

Sunday, January 05, 2003

I dont' know what i was thinking, but before break I had this noble notion of studying like crazy and working my ass off so I can get A's on all the follow-up assigments

Oh how I was wrong. So very wrong.

Lets see. I slacked off the first 3/4 of break doing almost nothing, of notable mention was jon liu runnign away from his house and coming to mine EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. Other than that, yea.

So I'm at the very end of break, sitting here in front of my computer, music blaring. There's still much work to be done, but i'm too fucking lazy to do it.

I think break is some sort of psychology test from our teachers to see how strong our will to work is. FUCK IT.

With that said and done, I've been downloading lots of A-Pop (Asian-pop, not American, sorry :-P) and am proceeding to blow my brains out with them, turning me into a drooling idiot....

Back to work now. Yes? No? (When I say no it means yes. Yes. What do you mean no?)

Agent Fobby
Signing (fapping) off! (i'm just kidding...)