I went to church, and we watched Yupgi Girl. 'Nuff said :P
Fobby, out!
Saturday, April 12, 2003
Thursday, April 10, 2003
I am so lucky today...
Me and Don were playing a knockoff of that Yupgi Girl game, and it was hilarious. First, we played whether or not we stopped at a light me: 5 him: 1.
Then, the best one, whether or not people stepped off the bus with their right or left foot. Results: Me:12 him:0!
So on and so on.. I won today though, so i'm in a helluva good mood
Hammy, out!
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Question of the day:
Who the fuck came up with the idea of chaining themselves together in the middle of the road as a form of protest?
Maybe if we ran a current through those chains... they would know better (come to think of it, it would actually be hilarious)
Fobby, out!
Monday, April 07, 2003
A war update:
Our troops have finally rolled into Baghdad, taking the southern sections.
Two of Saddam's presidential palaces were captured.
Chemical Ali's body is found, and he is dead.
Drums of... stuff (probably pesticides, from what I'm thinking) is found buried at the Iraqi Agricultural Center.
Police fired rubber bullets at protestors in Oakland, injuring many, some of them have swells the size of baseballs.
Lets hope this war will end quickly, so the oil used for our 2 mpg Abrams can be used to on our own cars.
Fobby, out!
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Taking a break from schoolwork...
Eternity: Its a funny thing. People say that love, diamonds, heaven and hell will last this long.. but exactly how long is it? Its like trying to define the infinity - yes, its a large number. But how large? Its huge. How big? Eternally big. Its a circular argument.
Once you enter eternity, how will you pass the time by? Since you have an infinite amount of time, you'll probably get bored, something like 1 million days in. But how will you measure time once you enter eternity? By the revolution of the earth? The earth will no longer hold any interest to you, since it will always seem to be spinning, spinning, spinning, and its spinning the same way, every day, for all days.
Sooner or later, "eternity" is going to wear off its novelty - we will only crave it if we are mortal, but once we become immortal, well, what the hell are we going to do for 'eternity'? Play CS until the human civilization becomes extinct and all the servers rot to hell, eaten by post-nuclear apocalypse mutant rabbits?
Fobby, out!
Hm.. today was alright. I was chatting w/ John and Winston and Don late at night, talking about.. um.. ;-P.
Ja, and little did i realize that daylight savings was on, so I was an hour late to chinese school. Then our late-night discussions drove my focus away from studying for an all-important midterm at Chinese school, and I was surprised when I got there...
My teacher gave me the chance to take the midterm again in 3 week's time. Lets hope it'll turn out better this time around.
Fobby, signing off...
(really, really tired..)
check out the Gohan model i edited
i think DCS should learn to model, so we all have custom models and shiat like that
custom guns
custom sprays
custom maps
custom models
yep. like for the guns, we can put DCS clan tag on the Gun models.
i already did that for mine, but it doesnt say DCS.
says super pookie heh
just wondering if u guys wanted to do that :)